Being Mindful During the Holidays


Holidays give children and their families an opportunity to rest and recharge. However, reality typically ends up being stressful. You find yourself doing last-minute holiday shopping, inviting in unexpected guests and becoming overwhelmed with how much you need to do. Your child can sense that stress and get wrapped up in it. Take time this holiday season to be mindful of the gifts you already have, rather than focusing on what you will receive. Here’s how:

Make a list of things you have.

Children always write lists of things they want for the holidays, and that makes gift shopping easier for the adults in their lives. However, it can be even more rewarding to make lists of things you already have. While your child will naturally list their gaming consoles or toys as sources of gratitude, encourage them to dig deeper. They have food, water, shelter and a loving family— not everyone can say that! Gratitude lists won’t make your child stop wanting a shiny new toy, but they will help your child appreciate the gifts they do have.


Let your child help select gifts. 

Bring your child along for holiday shopping, and allow them to help you pick out gifts for friends and family. This not only gives your child an opportunity to feel needed; it also takes holiday stress off of you. Along with gifts for friends and family, consider participating in local toy or canned food drives, and bring your child along to shop for items to donate. There’s no doubt they’ll know exactly which toys and canned foods other children will love. This will also help them appreciate the needs of the community. 


Remember that your child is still a kid.

Holiday obligations for adults can be stressful for children. When planning out long church services, parties with your adult friends and family holiday meals, consider your child. These events require children to be on their best behavior, which can be exhausting. Spread these events out over the course of the holiday season. Between obligations, keep up a similar routine to the one you have during the school year to create a sense of normalcy. Your child will be thankful for the breaks, and you’ll be thankful for not having to deal with a stressed out kid. 

Take time for yourself and your family this holiday season to truly appreciate what you have. With over 57 years of academic excellence, St. Teresa Catholic School, a Titusville private school, provides a quality education that challenges and empowers students to develop to their full potential. Students foster qualities that are essential for lifelong learning and are equipped for future success. To learn more about why St. Teresa is the perfect fit for you and your student, contact us today.


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