The Importance of Community Involvement for Children


Humans are social by nature. What started as a survival tactic has turned into a way to share our gifts and feel included. Community is as important as it ever was, especially for developing children. Being involved in the local community can help children understand themselves and others while feeling like they’re part of something bigger than themselves. Here are some ways being part of the community helps children thrive.

Feeling Included

The first community a child has is their family. They meet their parents and siblings, then their extended family. Even if they’re a “black sheep,” they’ll always be part of the family. Then, when they go on to school, they join a network of fellow students, teachers and staff. The more their community grows, the more they feel like they’re part of something. This may even expand into church, where they’ll meet people of all ages from many different backgrounds. As they grow older, they’ll find communities with similar interests to help them feel included and secure.


Building Self-Esteem

As children grow older, they begin to develop self consciousness. Some interests fade away. Others become “weird” or “different.” That’s why it’s important for children to find others who share interests and hobbies. Schools offer extracurricular activities that can help them build these communities. Churches also have community groups. The more children find others they can relate to, the less they’ll worry about being weird. Community helps children — and adults — embrace who they are as individuals.

Fostering Relationships

Children have an easier time making friends than adults do because self consciousness tends to grow as children reach adulthood. However, they can have a more difficult time understanding that building relationships takes work. By getting involved in the community, your child can meet all kinds of people. By staying connected, they’ll be able to build deep, meaningful relationships. See how you can support your child in making strong connections. Pay attention to who they’re always talking about, and see how you can allow them more time with those people. Facilitate playdates, or invite their families to dinner. It’s not just your child who needs relationships to thrive.

Understanding the World

It’s well known that babies lack object permanence, but it’s not just them. The saying “out of sight, out of mind” is relevant well into adulthood for some. Being involved in the community, especially volunteering and community service, can help your child gain some much-needed perspective on the world around them. Even if children hear that people are going hungry, they might not get it. Actually sorting out, serving or preparing food for those in need in their community will make the idea more tangible. This will help them understand what’s going on around them and make them feel like they’ve had a positive impact on the world.

With over 57 years of academic excellence, St. Teresa Catholic School, a Titusville private school, provides a quality education that challenges and empowers students to develop to their full potential. Students foster qualities that are essential for lifelong learning and are equipped for future success. To learn more about why St. Teresa is the perfect fit for you and your student, contact us today.


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