Reducing Holiday Stress as a Family

The holidays are finally here! You and your family can sit back, relax and enjoy the time you have together. However, it’s not always that simple. Plans can fall apart, family relationships can be complicated and the holidays can be more stressful than joyful for some. Here’s what you can do to reduce some of that holiday stress. 

Manage Your Own Stress

This is easier said than done. Managing your own stress is crucial to creating a stress-free environment for the rest of the family. Even if you feel like you can bottle stress inside, it often comes out when you least expect it. Whether it’s pausing for deep breaths or saying a few extra prayers each day, do what you can to keep your own stress levels down. Modeling positive behavior will help your child see what it looks like, and it may help them calm down when they become overwhelmed or anxious.

Stick to a Routine

While you still have to balance time at work and time at home, the holiday break may be throwing your child through a loop. Even if it differs from their school year schedule, having a routine can help your child thrive. Setting times for meals, sleep and other daily activities helps children retain a sense of normalcy during the holidays. This is also a good way to make sure your child is getting enough sleep and healthy food throughout the day.

Spend Time Outside

On days when you’re off work and your child is off school, it may be tempting to stay indoors. However, it’s important to get outside for at least 30 minutes a day. Outdoor time can be spent walking around the neighborhood or taking trips to the park. It can even be an excuse to do a little extra holiday shopping. Going outside will help the whole family feel better and sleep better, ultimately reducing everyone’s stress levels. 

Be Flexible 

As a parent, you may feel like you should be in control at all times. However, the world doesn’t work that way. You may get to the store, and they’re out of the one ingredient you need for the holiday dish. When putting decorations up, you might realize too late that something important is missing. You may plan on going to a holiday party, only to find that your child has a fever. Being flexible in these moments will do wonders for your holiday stress. Laugh it off when you can, and be mindful of how you behave in the more difficult moments. Remember, your child is watching. 

Holidays can be hectic, but by managing the stress, you can still have a merry holiday season. With over 57 years of academic excellence, St. Teresa Catholic School, a Titusville Catholic school, provides a quality education that challenges and empowers students to develop their full potential. Teachers foster qualities that are essential for lifelong learning and equip students for future success. To learn more about why St. Teresa is the perfect fit for you and your student, contact us today.


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