What to Do Before Sending Your Child to Catholic School

Sending your child to school can be overwhelming, especially if it’s your first time sending them to a Catholic school. It’s important to reassure your children that everything is going to be fine when they start the new school year. They will have new classes, new peers, new teachers, and new school staff. Change can be scary, and you can help by having a conversation with your child and guiding them. Here are our tips on how to prepare your child to go to Catholic school.

Attend Mass Together

Since your child is going to Catholic school, setting up some time to go to mass can be helpful. Mass will give them the opportunity to learn more about the Catholic faith and meet other Catholic school students. It can also be a great bonding experience for your family. 

Find Clubs and Organizations

Encourage your child to join a club or organization. This will provide a way for them to meet new people based on their interests and step out of their comfort zone. Moreover, it can make going to school exciting and help them look forward to all the great things they’ll get to do in the academic year.

Take Time to Pray

Taking time to pray can help any child of faith when going back to school. It helps give them hope for a great year and allows them to feel relaxed if they’re feeling overwhelmed about returning to school or going to Catholic school for the first time. Praying also helps them find faith and inner strength within themselves.

Benefits of Catholic School

One way to help your child prepare for Catholic school is by telling them about the benefits. The more they know about the advantages, the more they’ll feel like they’re doing the right thing. Here are a few benefits of attending Catholic school:

  • Class sizes are small: Small class sizes help children get to know each other better and build close relationships with their teachers.

  • Graduation rates are high: Almost every child who attends a Catholic school is able to graduate on time and attend college due to these schools’ strict academic standards.

  • Catholic schools teach life lessons: These schools help teach kids valuable life lessons and to find faith and hope within themselves.

Learn About Community Service

One of the great things to consider when sending your child to Catholic school is that they will be involved in community service. Catholic schools focus on serving their communities and learning about the value of service and volunteering. Talk to your child about the importance of community, and consider joining in on some of the school’s volunteering efforts. This will make your child feel more comfortable if they’re new to this kind of work. 

With over 57 years of academic excellence, St. Teresa Catholic School, a Titusville Catholic school, provides a quality education that challenges and empowers students to develop their full potential. Teachers foster qualities that are essential for lifelong learning and equip students for future success. To learn more about why St. Teresa is the perfect fit for you and your student, contact us today.


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