Learning Outside the Classroom

After spending long days at school, it’s a relief to enjoy family game nights, extra playtime, and days with friends. But it’s important that you help your child continue their education outside of the classroom! Take a look at some fun and easy ways to keep your child learning.

Frequent Library Trips

Your local library is a great, free resource that offers reading programs and activities to help your child develop a lifelong love of reading! There are often prizes available for participation or accomplishments, which can drive children to maintain excellent reading habits. The library can help challenge their brain to work outside the classroom as they continue to sharpen their reading skills.

Reading Nook

Now that your students have their new library books, make sure you have a comfortable reading nook prepared at home! Gather comfy pillows, soft blankets, and bright lamps to create an inviting, well-lit space.

Family Fun

When it’s time for a fun family outing, consider making it educational. Visit a museum to embrace history, or go on a hike to learn about nature and develop strong observation skills. You can bake cookies together, which combines math and science, build a model train and practice engineering and motor skills, or play a new sport, which can teach your child the importance of perseverance and build self-confidence.

Incorporate Math Daily

Getting children to read is often easier than getting them to solve math problems. However, they don’t need to recite their multiplication tables every day! You can help them practice their skills in small ways, such as asking them to add prices together while grocery shopping or convert measurements when cooking together. If they enjoy mini marshmallows or gumdrops, turn math into a game and shape them into geometrical shapes. If your child loves building, they may especially enjoy designing their dream town with Legos or Play-Doh.

Embrace Their Interests

When your child talks to you about what they’re passionate about, make sure you listen to them and encourage them to research and discover more. By genuinely engaging in their interests, you can continue to support them in their academic journey!

With over 57 years of academic excellence, St. Teresa Catholic School, a Titusville Catholic school, provides a quality education that challenges and empowers students to develop to their full potential. Students foster qualities that are essential for lifelong learning and are equipped for future success. To learn more about why St. Teresa is the perfect fit for you and your student, contact us today.


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