Honoring the Month of the Holy Family

On the Catholic liturgical calendar, February is the Month of the Holy Family. The holy family showed us what a family should look like. They loved one another without bounds, connected with God and other people and always forgave one another. Any family could learn from their example, and that’s what the Month of the Holy Family is all about. Here are a few ways your family can honor this celebration.

Be Nourished by the Eucharist

Sharing moments of faith as a family is a great way to build stronger bonds. When you share the Eucharist together in February, take a moment to remember the Real Presence of Jesus. Talk to your family about the experience after the fact. This month creates a perfect opportunity to reflect on and strengthen this aspect of your faith. 

Display an Image of the Holy Family

Place an image or icon of the holy family at a prominent place in your home. If your family always gets together for dinner, try the dinner table. Display the image in the living room if your family spends more time together watching movies or TV shows. Wherever your family congregates the most, keep the holy family by your side.

Plan a Family Outing

When everyone has busy schedules, it can be difficult to plan activities for the whole family. Celebrate the holy family by going out together. This is a great way to strengthen your family bonds, honoring the connections the holy family had to each other and to God. Find a place the whole family wants to go, find a time that fits everyone’s schedule, and spend some quality time together.

Share Family Stories

While celebrating the significance of the holy family, tell stories of your own family! Think of family members who have passed and those who your children rarely get to see. Find visuals that go with the family stories, like photos from an occasion or souvenirs from a trip. This is a great way to honor the holy family while celebrating your own. 

Say a Prayer in Honor of the Holy Family

Prayer can honor the holy family and bring your family closer together. Try saying this prayer, which is specifically dedicated to the holy family: 

O God, Heavenly Father, it was part of Thine eternal decree that Thine only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race, should form a holy family with Mary, His blessed mother, and His foster father, Saint Joseph. 

In Nazareth, home life was sanctified, and a perfect example was given to every Christian family. 

Grant, we beseech Thee, that we may fully comprehend and faithfully imitate the virtues of the Holy Family so that we may be united with them one day in their heavenly glory. 

Through the same Christ our Lord. 

We encourage our students to honor all liturgical celebrations. With over 57 years of academic excellence, St. Teresa Catholic School, a Titusville Catholic school, provides a quality education that challenges and empowers students to develop their full potential. Teachers foster qualities that are essential for lifelong learning and equip students for future success. To learn more about why St. Teresa is the perfect fit for you and your student, contact us today.


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