Helping Children Discover Their Gifts

child showing off her drawings

Gifts and talents don’t just happen. For most people, they involve trial and error, wins and losses. Children may not realize what talents they have until one day they try something new, and it comes out better than expected. They don’t come with labels that say “famous artist” or “all-star athlete,” which makes it all the more important to help them discover their individual talents. Here’s how you can help your child on this journey.

Observe Their Behavior

The best time for your child to discover their talents is when they’re bored. When they have nothing better to do, see what draws their attention. Listen to what they talk about doing at school, and dig deeper when you hear about the same activity over and over. Ask how they like to spend their free time and what comes easily to them. Encourage them to try new activities, and talk to them about what they enjoy the most. You can help your child discover their unique talents through observation and communication. 

child sleeping on pile of books

Avoid Overdoing It

When a child has a fully booked schedule between school, band practice, sports and other activities, they can become overwhelmed. This can negatively affect your child and make them feel pressured to be good at everything. Support your child in what they choose to do. If they need guidance, bring them to a concert, a game, or an art exhibit to see if they discover their talents on their own. Don’t expect your child to be the best when they’re just starting out. The first notes on the violin, brushstrokes, or basketball throws won’t be their best ones.

child doing a skateboarding trick

Be Their Biggest Fan

Prodigies exist, as do children who just love doing things that they’re not great at. However, most children fall in the middle. They become better with practice. Encourage your child to explore their talents by cheering them on every chance you get. Help them find role models in their fields of interest. Praise your child’s efforts, and lift their spirits when they’re discouraged. Set the expectation that sometimes, they will fail, and the important part is that they give it their all. 

We encourage our students to try new things while they search for their unique gifts and talents. With over 57 years of academic excellence, St. Teresa Catholic School, a Titusville Catholic school, provides a quality education that challenges and empowers students to develop to their full potential. Students foster qualities that are essential for lifelong learning and are equipped for future success. To learn more about why St. Teresa is the perfect fit for you and your student, contact us today.


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