Catholic Outdoor Activities for the Family

Modern life revolves around technology, from smart air conditioning units to handheld devices that do everything. We often forget about the value of spending time outdoors. Getting up and moving helps relieve the stress that bodies hold onto when sedentary. Absorbing sunlight is one of the best ways to get vitamin D and boost your mood. If you’re a person of faith, going outdoors is also a great way to connect with God’s creation. Read on to learn about some activities that incorporate faith and going outside. 

Taking a Rosary Walk

Get the family together, and bring your rosary beads on a walk outside. Pray the rosary outside as a way to appreciate God’s creation while honoring Him. Find a nice, quiet place to pray as a family where you can enjoy the sights and sounds of nature. Whether it’s a walk in your favorite park or exploring somewhere new, going outside together is a great way to connect with each other and God in a new way. 

Visiting Outdoor Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross depict 14 moments of Jesus’s journey to Calvary. The tradition of praying the Stations of the Cross began when pilgrims retraced His path. While praying the Stations of the Cross is often reserved for Lent, it doesn’t have to be. Catholic retreat houses often have these installed year-round. See if you can find one near you to visit as a family. 

Creating Your Own Catholic Shrine

If you have a crafty family, you might enjoy building a shrine together. Find a spot in your yard that gets plenty of shade so you can visit at any time of the day. Place a statue of your favorite saint in the area, and consider planting flowers or adding a bench for sitting and praying. 

Volunteering for Environmental Stewardship Projects

From beach and park cleanups to tree planting events, you can always find an environmental stewardship project that needs help. Find an event that’s taking place near you, and sign up as a family to volunteer. Appreciate God’s creation as a family by doing your part to improve outdoor spaces in your community. Volunteering is a great way to meet others with similar interests and values and work together toward a common goal. 

At our Titusville private school, we encourage students to bring their faith with them, wherever they may go. With over 57 years of academic excellence, St. Teresa Catholic School provides a quality education that goes from PreK-3 through 8th grade. To learn more about why St. Teresa is the perfect fit for you and your student, contact us today.


The Importance of Learning Outdoors