5 Important Benefits of School Field Trips

When you think back to your time in school, what do you remember the most? Is it the days in the classroom or the field trips you took with your classmates? Field trips may feel like a fun diversion to children, but they can be so much more. The real-world learning experiences these trips create can enrich the lives of children well beyond their time in school. Learn about some of the most important benefits of field trips. 

Fosters Curiosity

Exploring new places is a great way to get into a more creative mindset. Spending time learning outside of the classroom and school environment makes children more curious about the world around them. Then, when they return to the classroom after a break from classroom learning, they’re refreshed and prepared to learn. 

Academic Advantages

A recent study through the U.S. Travel Association showed that regardless of gender, ethnicity or socioeconomic status, adults who took school trips as children had better grades, high graduation rates from high school and college and greater income. Nearly 89% said that these trips had a positive impact on their lives far beyond their time in school. 

Real World Learning

Subjects are more relatable when you can see, touch, hear, smell and (if safe) taste them. Field trips give children the opportunity to experience the subjects they’re learning with all of their senses. They also learn things that they never would have learned in school, like how to interact with others outside of the school environment. 

Social and Emotional Development

When children go on field trips, they get to see familiar faces in a new environment, as well as meeting new people. Exploring new environments alongside their peers can help students strengthen the relationships they have while developing trust and empathy. This can especially benefit children who need a little extra push to be kind to others. 

Access to Resources

Leaving the classroom for exciting new places gives students access to resources they don’t have at home or at school. From science centers and art museums to theme parks, every educational environment gives children new ways to learn. This can lead to deeper, more immersive learning experiences. 

At our Titusville private school, we encourage all students who can to take field trips. With over 57 years of academic excellence, St. Teresa Catholic School provides a quality education that challenges and empowers students to develop their full potential. Teachers foster qualities that are essential for lifelong learning and equip students for future success. To learn more about why St. Teresa is the perfect fit for you and your student, contact us today.


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