5 Educational Activities for Summer

We don’t want our kids to be on the screens all summer, but it can be time-consuming and difficult to draft up lesson plans to keep their minds working. To help, we have compiled a list of fun educational activities that your children can do this summer. Here’s how you can keep your children’s minds engaged. 


Cooking with your children requires planning and preparation. This activity teaches kids about math through measuring. An easy recipe for beginners is chocolate chip cookies! Have your child help you measure out the ingredients, and teach them how to combine them through mixing. When it comes time to place the cookies on the baking sheet, have them count out the spaces and create an ample amount of space for each cookie to rise. Make it fun by adding different toppings, and make it educational by counting every ingredient with your child. 

Reading Challenge

Creating a reading challenge incentivizes reading for your children. This creates a sense of competition and drive to complete the challenge and ultimately read more than they would on their own accord. A fun incentive for this challenge is to celebrate with a movie night after they read a specified amount of books. You can theme the book list to different genres so that they can have a variety of experiences while reading. Pop some popcorn, rent a movie, and build a fort to celebrate their success once they complete the challenge. 

Learning a Musical Instrument

Learning a musical instrument is beneficial for children in more ways than one. It aids in memory skills, patience, and even responsibility. Having music proficiency has also been linked to positive math comprehension. Children who are able to play a musical instrument are more likely to excel in analytical and logical thinking because of the skills needed to arrange music. If you can’t get enrolled in a music course this summer, renting an instrument and pulling up YouTube video lessons can be a fun alternative. 


Spreading a blanket in the backyard and looking up at the stars with your kids is a great way to help teach them about natural science. Teaching your children about the stars will help to expand the way that they see the world. Consider purchasing a telescope to look at the moon and potentially other planets. An alternative would be to create makeshift telescopes with empty paper towel rolls. A great resource for teaching children about space is the NASA Kids Club.  

National Park Walk 

Walking in a national park can be an eye-opening way for children to appreciate God’s beautiful creation. Doing this can help teach them about nature while also giving them an opportunity to realize the immensity of God’s power. We know that it can be hard to get children to stay off their devices during the summer, and this activity is a great way to unplug and be immersed in conversation. Want to find the nearest national park near you? Check out the National Parks website!

Staying mentally active over the summer is important so that children can return to school with inquisitive minds, ready to learn. With over 57 years of academic excellence, St. Teresa Catholic School, a Titusville Catholic school, provides a quality education that challenges and empowers students to develop to their full potential while also serving them spiritually. Students foster qualities that are essential for lifelong learning and are equipped for future success. To learn more about why St. Teresa is the perfect fit for you and your student, contact us today.


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